Hive is partnered with Amy Twiggs and Red Dirt Insurance for your health Insurance needs including Medical Living Benefits, Tax Free Retirement, Medicare, Dental & Vision, and Alternative Health needs. Amy is a Health Advocate with an extensive fitness background including being a former elite gymnast from Stanford University where she earned her bachelors in Psychology with a focus in Health & Development. Mental Training is her passion. She has been serving many athletes in their struggles with fear and insecurities for over 15 years. She enjoys the transformation that occurs in each athlete as their mental strength comes equal to their physical strength. Amy is an athletic coach, former USAG Judge, and #1 best selling author of numerous books including, Athlete’s Mindset, Become A Self Coaching Athlete, Flipin’ Awesome Gymnast, Weight Loss on the Go, and Leadership in Trying Times.

Did you can get alternative, affordable health insurance that includes naturopathic coverage, in & out of network, no copays, and no outpatient deductible?
And… life insurance that can be used as an alternative savings account with liquid cash, compounding interest, tax free and living benefits.
If you haven’t heard of living benefits, make an appointment today!
Let’s put your money in a safe investment!
Contact Phone (435) 862-9246
Contact email – reddirt435@gmail.com