At Hive Therapy, Sports Medicine Massage is designed around getting you back into action through various therapy methods. We take a wholistic approach to your specific needs, goals and expectations and develop treatment plans that get you the results you deserve. We have the resources, expertise and the facility all in one place to recover and maintain your active and healthy lifestyle. At Hive we are proud to have the full time services of Paul Dunsdon BCTMB, LMT, NASM. Experience, education, certification, knowledge and skills that spans decades come with Paul and his services.
Paul is a board certified manual therapist who specializes in the performance, recovery and rehabilitation of active individuals of all ages. Paul has many therapeutic tools at his disposal including sports, therapeutic and medical massage, corrective exercise and performance development training.
With Paul and SPORTS MASSAGE OF DIXIE you’ll experience a different kind of sports therapy. Specializing in the science of sports and medical massage… Experience for yourself the difference of Board Certified Therapeutic Massage and Bodywork as well as Integrated Performance Development that’s backed by advanced certifications from The National Academy of Sports Medicine.
When visiting with Paul, ask about his Elevated Legs compression therapy. These are an amazing tool for sports recovery as they compress deep into sore muscles to relieve tension and inflammation. By using hot and cold gel packets within the recovery boots they increase blood & oxygen flow, reduce pain and speed up recovery. Paul has these available for use at Hive or you can purchase your pair for home use.