Hive Therapy is partnered with Dr. Gavin Hall, DC and his Straight Up Chiropractic practice. Dr Hall is a full time provider here at Hive Therapy in St. George. You can book an appointment on his website or directly from his Facebook or Instagram pages.
Dr. Hall provides non-invasive pain relief that goes above and beyond regular chiropractic care. His training in adjustments surpasses spinal treatment to include all joints of the body – jaw, neck, back, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands, hips, knees, ankles, and feet.
In addition to the adjustment, his use of Advanced Muscle integration Technique (AMIT) allows him to fully assess and correct instabilities, which results in improved function, removal of pain, and an overall new level of performance. Neural Pathway Integration (NPI), also practiced by Dr. Hall, is a new technique that corrects disconnections throughout the body to allow the body to communicate more effectively without the use of supplements, medications, or surgery.

With his Health and Wellness BA and Masters in Functional Nutrition in addition to his Doctor of Chiropractic degree, Dr. Hall leverages his diverse education and takes a wholistic approach to healing the body through diet/nutrition and chiropractic treatments. Specializing in Advanced Muscle Integration Technique (AMIT) and Charrette Extremity Protocol for treatment of upper and lower extremity related injuries and tendinopathies as well as jaw/TMJ disorders.
Dr. Hall can help where others can’t. Many people have been treated by chiropractors, physical therapists, unnecessary drugs, or even surgery without finding relief. Treating symptoms with unnecessary medications and surgeries is in essence telling the body to be quiet. Dr Hall seeks to define the root cause of the problem rather than merely treat the symptom.
Dr. Hall was raised in a Southern Utah ranch and began his education at Dixie State before moving to Texas to complete is Chiropractic degree at Parker University. He is now back in St. George to build his practice and give back to his home town community.
Contact Dr. Hall Directly – (435) 429-2582 or email@straightupchiropractic.org