Hive Therapy Health & Fitness is partnered with Trever Lojka, NASM, CPT, PES who is a NASM Certified Trainer with Performance Enhancement Specialization to conduct VO2 Max Testing here at Hive. V02 max refers to how much oxygen your body can absorb and use during exercise, and is a excellent way to measure cardiovascular health and overall health. As you breath in oxygen your lungs turn it into energy which powers your cells to help release carbon dioxide when you exhale. Throughout the testing, the VO2 max equipment accurately measures the mixture of oxygen and carbon dioxide that you exhale while keeping tract of your heart rate increase. The greater your VO2 Max, the more oxygen your body can consume and convert to energy.

Top athletes already use VO2 Max and now Hive Therapy is making this technology available to the general public for a variety purposes beyond just athletic performance. VO2 Max is way to determine cardiorespiratory fitness in anyone at any level, and gives medical professionals a powerful tool in analyzing heart and lung health.

Contact Trever – (801) 898-2520 or email