Hive Therapy offers complimentary wellness checks to our members to help you on your wellness journey. This can be very helpful in establishing a baseline and to help you track progress or alert you of trends over time that you may want to discuss with your doctor. These wellness checks capture and record height, weight, BMI, Oxygen (SpO2) Level, heart rate, and blood pressure. We can save the information from these checks for you and provide a history printout for you to bring to your doctor at check up time. Even subtle changes and trends can help you and your doctor with early identification of potential medical problems to be addressed. This is a great way to stay on top of your progress and keep your health condition present in your mind. Wellness checks are encouraged not just when we are feeling ill but as the name implies when we are feeling well. During these wellness checks it is also a great opportunity get to know nurse Heather so when something does come up you feel comfortable asking her a question. At Hive Therapy we care about the health of all of our members and want you to have access to the right professionals who can care for you.

Establishing a baseline for your current state of health and then regularly rechecking for changes is a great way stay on top of your fitness journey. Click the “Book a Wellness Check” link below to schedule your appointment with nurse Heather today.