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caloric intake

Your Resting Metabolic Rate (RMR) is the amount of energy (calories) your body burns while at rest. It is one the three components of your total metabolic rate, comprising of 70 percent of your body’s daily energy expenditure. The RMR test is a simple, non-invasive test. Before the test you should be fasting for at least 6 hours and well relaxed. During the test you will be lying in a comfortable chair and breathing into tube that is connected to RMR technology and a computer. The computer captures and analyzes Oxygen & CO2 output data from the RMR tech to measure the rate at which you consume energy in a resting state to determine your RMR. From this data the technician can then calculate how many calories you personally burn on daily basis (caloric intake) which is very helping information in diet and exercise planning. Besides RMR, the testing also provides your respiratory quotient (RQ). This value shows you what percentage of the your metabolism you burn in terms of carbohydrates vs. Fat. This can help you and your dietitian determine if more of your calories should come from carbs or fat. Measuring changes in RMR over time can also be very helpful in making adjustments to diet and exercise plans that align with your specific goals.

Trever Lojka, NASM CPT, PES

Hive Therapy Health & Fitness is partnered with Trever Lojka, NASM CPT, PES who is a NASM Certified Personal Trainer with Performance Enhancement Specialization for your RMR testing needs.

Contact Trever – (801) 898-2520 or email

Hive Therapy Health & Fitness has the latest technology in 3D / 360 degree body imaging scanning. Meet the Styku 3D Visual Body Composition Scanner, which leverages hundreds of body measurements to calculate all kinds of health and fitness data about you and your body. Styku performs a 3D scan of your body in seconds and then creates a digital model with less than 1% error.

Styku Body Scanner

The Styku is a great tool for anyone starting on fitness or health journey to lose weight, improve performance, or stay healthy because it allows you to compare changes from one scan to another and track results. Styku provides hundreds of measurements, 3D models, shape analysis, progress tracking, fat analysis, muscle analysis, risk assessment, goal setting, bone density, lean mass %, hydration level, visceral fat, caloric intake, and many more. These are just a few of uses and statistics that Styku provides. It is the most accurate way to track real progress towards you goals.

Information is power.

Styku Body Composition Scanner

Contact Darren Kelsey for detailed information – (801) 301-7548 or email